Sapa stone church

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Address information

Ham Rong, TT. Sa Pa, Sa Pa, Lao Cai, Vietnam



Located in the heart of Sa Pa, the stone church is the sole structure that retains the integrity of French architecture. This work was constructed in 1905 in the Roman Gothic style, as evidenced by the pyramid-shaped roof, bell tower, arch, and so on. Sapa Stone Church has had two restorations since its construction (in 1995 and 2006).

The church is named after the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary and has a total area of 6,400 square meters including the church, a row of parish cottages, and a holy garden with venerable elderly trees that are almost a century old. Entire buildings are made primarily of stone and connected by lime, sand, and molasses. The interior is painted white to showcase the opulent beauty and create a feeling of spaciousness and airiness. The upper entrances are designed in a compact semicircle and decorated with colored glass pieces in the Western style on both sides of the wall.

Sapa Stone Church preserves European architecture in the center of Sapa's dynamic young City. Visitors can easily observe scenes of ethnic minorities gathering to rest, chat, or sit knitting or sewing on the courtyard or church's doorway.

Photo by Nguyen Manh



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