Introduction to Sa Pa

Sa Pa is a highland district of Lao Cai province, located in the northwest of Vietnam, Sa Pa town is at an altitude of 1,600 meters above sea level, 38 km from Lao Cai city and 376 km from Hanoi. 

1. Geographical location, boundaries and administrative units
Located in the northwest of Vietnam, Sa Pa town is 1,600 meters above sea level, 38 km from Lao Cai city and 376 km from Hanoi. In addition to the main road from Lao Cai city, to get to Sa Pa there is another traffic route, National Highway 4D connecting from Binh Lu commune, Lai Chau. Although the majority of Sa Pa district residents are ethnic minorities, the town is mainly concentrated with Kinh people who make a living from agriculture and tourism services.

Sa Pa town has a natural area of ​​681.37 km2 and a population of 81,857 people, including 06 wards including: Cau May; Ham Rong; O Quy Ho; Phan Si Pang; Sa Pa and Sa Pa.
After its establishment, Sa Pa town has 16 commune-level administrative units, including the 6 wards mentioned above and 10 communes: Ban Ho, Hoang Lien, Lien Minh, Muong Bo, Muong Hoa, Ngu Chi Son, Ta Phin, Ta Van, Thanh Binh, Trung Chai.

Bản đồ hành chính thị xã Sa Pa

Administrative map of Sa Pa town

2. Terrain and zoning characteristics
Sa Pa has a typical terrain of the Northern mountainous region, with a steep slope, on average from 35 - 400 degrees, with some places having a slope of over 450 degrees, rugged and complicated terrain. Located on the east side of Hoang Lien Son range, Sa Pa has an average altitude of 1,200 m to 1,800 m, the terrain tilts and gradually slopes from West - Southwest to Northeast. The highest point is Fansipan peak 3,143 m high and the lowest point is Bo stream 400 m high above sea level.

3. Climate and hydrology
Sa Pa has a temperate and subtropical climate, with cool air all year round. The weather in the town has four seasons a day: in the morning it is spring weather, in the afternoon it is like summer, often with light sunshine, cool climate, in the afternoon clouds and dew fall creating a cool feeling. like the autumn sky and the night is the cold of winter. The average annual air temperature of Sa Pa is 15 °C.

In summer, the town does not suffer from the harsh sunlight like the coastal plain, about 13 °C - 15 °C at night and 20 °C - 25 °C during the day. Winter is often covered with clouds and cold, the temperature sometimes drops below 0 °C, and sometimes there is snow. The average annual rainfall here ranges from 1,800 to 2,200 mm, most concentrated in the period from May to August. Sa Pa town is one of the rare places in Vietnam with snow.

4. Tourism resources
Sapa tourism has had nearly 120 years of development since the French began building resort tourism infrastructure here. Sa Pa is also one of the places with the most unique and rich tourism resources. With majestic natural landscapes, many subalpine climate zones, endemic indigenous products, and diverse cultures of dozens of ethnic groups living on this land. With this tradition and potential, Sapa is not too difficult to locate on the Vietnam tourist map. Lao Cai province has also determined a new tourism strategy for Sa Pa tourism industry with the goal of becoming a national and international tourist destination. Fansipan - The highest mountain in Vietnam and Indochina. There are still clouds covering all four seasons, and there are still craggy trails through the abyss for backpackers to explore and conquer.

Sa Pa is blessed by nature with many beautiful scenes. Unlike other tourist areas that have magnificent beauty but are quite stuffy, Sa Pa possesses a rustic beauty that blends with the breath of the mountains and forests, giving visitors a feeling of closeness and comfort.
Coming to Sa Pa, you will enjoy the majestic natural scenery with Silver Waterfall and Love Waterfall like white silk strips flowing down from the sky; is a poetic picture with Ham Rong mountain and Muong Hoa valley hidden in the morning mist;


Thi Tran Sapa


The beauty of Sapa town seen from above

...are terraced fields that, in season, wear a golden shirt proudly stretching across the mountains and hills. Or simply flowers and grass growing wild, weaving from villages to dense forests, makes Sa Pa so brilliant.



Ruong Bac Thang Sapa


Terraced fields - one of the beauties of Sapa

With rich tourism resources, Sa Pa town not only attracts many tourists to visit and experience but also creates potential and advantages to attract many investors with many projects worth trillions of billions. copper.

To contribute to improving Sa Pa tourism, becoming an attractive destination on the journey through the Northwest, Sa Pa town leaders worked with IGB Joint Stock Company to build smart tourism application software. Sa Pa town intelligence aims to collect data and digitize tourist attractions, indigenous culture, traditional products, resorts, cuisine... Through smart tourism applications, tourists will have access to travel information easily and quickly, you can search for tourist attractions, build your own itinerary and travel time without having to book a private guided tour, freely experience the full range of tourism products attractive in Sa Pa. In addition, through smart application software, business units and service producers in Sa Pa town will have the opportunity to promote and develop service businesses easily by accessing large numbers. large number of tourists through the application of modern and convenient 4.0 technology.

You can experience the smart tourism application software in Sa Pa town - Sa Pa Tour through the website: or download the mobile app on the App Store and Google Play.