Mountain bike race "Conquering Seo My Ty, the highest artificial lake in Southeast Asia - LCC8"

Thông tin sự kiện

Date start: 12/10/2024

Date end: 13/10/2024

Ta Van Commune, Sa Pa Town, Lao Cai Province

Giới thiệu

1. Competition format: MTB mountain bike.

2. Athletes

+ Athletes: Are Vietnamese and foreigners living, studying, working, and traveling legally in Vietnam, in good health, and voluntarily registering to compete.

+ Not allowed to register to compete: Athletes currently competing professionally in and outside the country; Professional cyclists who have retired for less than 36 months (less than 3 years); Athletes who are training for cycling talent and are employed at centralized sports training centers of the province, industry, or enterprise.

3. Competition categories (individual and team)
(1) Young women: 40 years old or younger (born in 1984 or later).
(2) Middle-aged women: 41 years old or older (born in 1983 or earlier).
(3) Young men: 40 years old or younger (born in 1984 or later).
(4) Middle-aged men: 41 to 50 years old (born in 1974 or later).
(5) Senior men: 51 years old or older (born in 1973 or earlier).

* Note
+ Individual registration: each club/group/team participating in the tournament can register an unlimited number of athletes to compete individually in each event. Athletes can register to compete individually (if the athlete does not belong to any club/group/team).
+ Team registration: each club/group/team can register multiple team teams in each event, each team must have 05 athletes, the remaining athletes can register to compete individually. Team teams from athletes from different clubs/groups/teams are not allowed.
+ Age reduction registration: Athletes have the right to register to lower their age to compete in an age bracket lower than their actual age (individual and team).

4. Race track: 80% pure climbing (up hill) race track, 16km long, is the route from Ta Van commune center to Seo My Ty lake area.
5. Time
5.1. Technical meeting, issuing race numbers from 13:30 on October 12, 2024 (Saturday), at Sa Pa Town People's Committee Headquarters.
5.2. Opening from 19:30 on October 12, 2024 (Saturday) at Sa Pa Stadium.
5.3. Competitions from 08:00 on October 13, 2024 (Sunday) from Ta Van commune center.
5.4. Award ceremony from 11:00 (after the end of the competition), at Seo My Ty lake area.

6. Disclaimer
+ Registered athletes are understood to have committed to take full responsibility for their health and personal safety during the entire competition.
+ The Organizing Committee is exempted from all responsibilities and does not have to guarantee the health and personal safety of athletes before, during and after the competition.
7. Competition equipment and guarantees
+ Must use MTB bicycles with at least front shock absorbers, 26-29 inch wheels, tire cross-section of 2.0 or more.
+ Athletes must wear specialized sports bicycle helmets; other safety protection is encouraged.
+ Athletes competing with teammates must wear at least the same uniform shirt.
+ The Organizing Committee issues numbers for athletes appropriate to each event.

8. Calculating results
8.1. Individual
+ Individual ranking in order of finishing each event.
+ If each individual event does not have enough 15 athletes participating in the actual competition at the start, the Organizing Committee will arrange the registered athletes to compete in the next lower age group; or, not organize the competition (when there is no next lower age group); or, organize the competition but do not count the results.8.2. Team
+ The actual starting team must have 05/05 pre-registered athletes to be considered for the team achievement. If the starting team does not have 05/05 pre-registered athletes, the team achievement will not be considered.
+ If each team event does not have 04 teams (equivalent to 20 athletes) participating in the actual starting competition (each team must have 05/05 pre-registered athletes), the Organizing Committee will not consider the team achievement and will not award the team award for that event.
+ The team achievement is calculated based on the total individual rankings of the first 3 athletes to finish validly; if the total rankings are equal, the team with the athlete with the higher individual ranking will win.

9. Awards
9.1. Individual
+ First: gold cup, cash.
+ Second: silver plate, cash.
+ Third: bronze plate, cash.
+ Equal (from Four to Ten): Certificate, cash.

9.2. Team
+ First: gold cup, cash.
+ Second: silver plate, cash.
+ Third: bronze plate, cash.

9.3. Awarding of thematic certificates
+ Youngest female athlete who completes the race validly, cash.
+ Oldest female athlete who completes the race validly, cash.
+ Youngest male athlete who completes the race validly, cash.
+ Oldest male athlete who completes the race validly, cash.
10. Complaints
+ No collective complaints.
+ Team leaders/Coaches who officially register with the Organizing Committee have the right to complain to the Head of the Organizing Committee/Chief Referee. The complaint deposit fee is 1 million VND/complaint. If the complaint is correct, the deposit fee will be refunded, if the complaint is not grounded, the deposit fee will not be refunded.

+ Complaints will only be accepted no later than 15 minutes after the results are announced.

+ The complaining party will find documents to prove their opinions.

+ The decision of the tournament organizing committee will be considered final.

11. Competition fees and benefits of athletes
+ Athletes register to compete in the following events: 300,000 VND/ 01 athlete.

+ Athletes who complete the race properly will receive a commemorative medal of the tournament.

12. Registration
+ Registration documents: full name; year of birth; gender; individual and team competition content (if any). Copy of CCCD (or equivalent); confirmation of successful payment of competition fee.
+ Registration acceptance period: before October 1, 2024.
+ Last registration adjustment acceptance period: before October 5, 2024.
+ Contact point for direct registration and payment of competition fee: For details, contact Mr. Nguyen Quan Luu - General Secretary of LCC at 0962 796 479.
+ Contact point for instructions on online registration and payment of competition fee: Visit For details, contact Mr. Nguyen Trung Cuong - Chairman of LCC at 0948 040 040.

* Registration link:
* Link to download the registration form file by club:
* Zalo group for information on the tournament: