Six spots to watch the early ripening rice season in Sa Pa on September 2

The upcoming 4-day vacation is an opportunity for visitors to take advantage of watching the terraced fields in Sa Pa begin to turn golden.

From late July to early September, while many famous destinations of the Northwest such as Tu Le, Mu Cang Chai, and Tram Tau have not yet ripened rice, in some places in Sa Pa, terraced fields are already golden. The points below are suitable for a rice hunting trip on the September 2 holiday.

Nam Cang

Một góc ruộng bậc thang ở Nậm Cang cuối tháng 7.

Nam Cang may be a strange place for many tourists when it comes to Sa Pa. But if you are a person who likes quiet spaces, Nam Cang is the right choice. From Sa Pa town, visitors drive toward Hoang Lien Son National Park about 30 km to reach Nam Cang. Along the way to the commune, you will encounter streams, forests and terraced fields. The most beautiful time to view Nam Cang terraced fields is from late July to late August when the weather is cool, average temperature is 20-25 degrees Celsius.

Here you can experience trekking around the villages and admire the panoramic view of the commune. The village is inhabited by Mong and Dao ethnic people, so when staying, you can enjoy specialties and have the opportunity to learn more about the traditional culture of the residents.

Nam Than - Nam Nhiu - Nam Sai

Một góc ruộng bậc thang ở Nậm Than.

Going through Nam Cang commune, you will reach Nam Than, Nam Nhiu and Nam Sai. All three communes are located quite far from the town area and have beautiful natural scenery. This place is also known as "miniature Mu Cang Chai". The most suitable means of transport to visit this commune is a motorbike. You can easily stop at any favorite location to take beautiful photos. However, you need to make sure your steering wheel is steady because the mountainous roads in Sa Pa are quite difficult to navigate in many parts.

In addition to admiring the magnificent picture of terraced fields, here you can also learn about the indigenous culture of the Xa Pho, Dao, Tay, Giay ethnic groups, and see houses covered with moss rolled into Every bun on the roof, we see women and mothers in national costumes, quickly crocheting each brocade shirt and scarf.

Ta Van village

Một góc bản Tả Van.

Ta Van village is located in Ta Van commune, leaning against the mountain and facing Muong Hoa valley. Because the surrounding landscape is all terraced fields, coming here during the pouring water season of May-June or the ripening rice season of August-September are both beautiful times. In the morning, sipping a cup of tea, slowly looking in the distance where the terraced fields are wearing a new golden color, visitors will have a comfortable feeling of relaxation.

The road to Ta Van village has been renovated and beautiful, but is still narrow, so to get the most complete experience, you should find beautiful spots in advance and use a motorbike to move conveniently.

Ta Giang Phin commune (Ngu Chi Son)

Ta Giang Phin commune (also known as Ngu Chi Son) is a border commune, 28 km from the center of Sa Pa town. Tourists find their way to O Quy Ho village, then drive to provincial road 155 for another 15 km to reach their destination. The road is a bit difficult, but when you get there you will admire the beautiful scenery.

Ngu Chi Son is a blend of mountains, rice fields, and simple houses, known as the mountain wonder between Sa Pa and Lai Chau. Seen from a distance, the five mountains lie close together like five fingers spread into the sky. The streaks of afternoon sunlight slanting down to the foot of the mountain are carpets of green terraced fields. Two delicious dishes that visitors should try when coming here are black chicken and salmon sashimi.

Y Linh Ho 

Bản Ý Linh Hồ cuối tháng 7.

Y Linh Ho village is located in the middle of Hoang Lien Son mountains and forests, blessed with many beautiful scenes by nature, with terraced fields, forests and streams. To get here, you go in the direction of Lao Chai. During the ripening rice season of August and September, the fields running from the hillside to the foot of the mountain turn golden and brilliant under the sun.

Y Linh Ho is also interesting with the experience of trekking from the forest through the waterfall to the stream, SUP boarding, and immersing yourself in the natural water of the waterfall and stream. The hospitality, honesty, and simplicity of the people here are also something that leaves an impression.

Ta Phin village

Ta Phin village is about 12 km from Sa Pa town, slightly northeast. This is the residence of the Dao and H'mong ethnic groups. Along the way to Ta Phin, you will admire the beautiful and peaceful natural scenery of the Northwest mountains and forests. There are many beautiful terraced fields here, spread across the hillsides and mountainsides. Dotted are ethnic people's stilt houses and corn fields. The best time to go to the village is from late August to mid-September.

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